5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself

Reinventing yourself shouldn't be confined to a promise made on New Year's Day and broken a month later. Now is the time to reflect on the past, consider who you want to be, and make resolutions to be that person! To help you do that, let’s look at these 5 ways to reinvent yourself.

Decide Who You Want to Be

This is the foundational step. You can’t make any changes until you have a plan for who you want to be.

To begin to find a direction, find your greatest strengths. Find out what brings you joy. Make a list of both and look for areas where the two lists intersect.

What are your goals? Write those out as well, and beneath them, write out what skills you’ll need to learn and what steps you’ll need to take in order to accomplish them.

Change Your Style

Your style does a lot for you, and it’s a great place to reinvent yourself.

Not only does style affect how others see you, but it affects how you see yourself. Want to become a more confident person? Start dressing like one! Find clothing that emanates power and accessorize it to your tastes. Want to be elegant? Get inspired by Audrey Hepburn’s wardrobe.

Make New Friends

Your peers have more of an influence on your development and potential than your family does. Choose them wisely.

Studies show that choosing friends who are superior to us, can help us become superior. For example, if you’re low on self-control, hanging out with a disciplined friend can help correct that. Be mindful of the new friends you choose. Don’t be afraid to pursue relationships with the people you admire rather than simply those who drift into your life.

Learn Something New

One of the best ways to reinvent yourself is to become an expert on something.

Learning something new can be as simple as picking up a musical instrument or learning a new language or studying your vehicle’s maintenance manual.

Improve Your Health

Exercise and proper nutrition are the foundation for many of the other points on this list.

To avoid burnout, the most common obstacle in New Year’s fitness goals, start small. Take a 30 minute walk every day. Take the stairs at work. Give your dog a nice long walk. Once you can do that without pain or fatigue, move up to some light jogging to build aerobic endurance, and maybe even start hitting the gym and making use of resistance training machines. Above all, be consistent. Make the time for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, and adhere to recommended dietary guidelines at every meal.

