Holy Week Personality Type!

Everyone engages with Holy Week—the week leading up to the celebration of Jesus' resurrection—in different ways. Some celebrate. Others contemplate. Some like it loud and laudable, others need things barely audible.

And the beauty of Holy Week is that with so many different services, there are opportunities for all of these expressions of worship. You can be stretched in the less comfortable parts and be fully at home in the places where you connect easily, whether that's with your hands in the air or in your pockets.

To help prepare you for worship during Holy Week, we offer this reflection on genuflection using your personality type. If you don't know yours, you can take an official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment here. Each Holy Week personality is paired with a patron saint, so we can imitate them in our own unique, sacred pathways. Read the description for which services provide adoration opportunities that are the right rite for your praise personality.

May our festivity flourish as we engage in worship in spirit, truth, and our personality type. (Disclaimer: the Holy Week Personality is founded in neither the Bible, tradition, revelation from the Holy Spirit, or the official Myers-Briggs Assessment.)

